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Nelson Granite is known for its quality granite and unique colors that are a popular choice for architectural projects, memorials, bases for bronze and landscaping. We supply granite in the following colors. Although we have made every effort to provide accurate representations of our product colors, due to the nature of granite, it is impossible to depict the finished product accurately by means of digital photographs. Contact Us to learn more.

Morning Rose Granite™ / North American Pink Granite™

This fine-grained deep pink or light red granite is our most versatile granite. Morning Rose Granite is chosen for its lovely pink color that is uniform and consistent, Vermilion is the most popular pink monumental granite in North America and is also very fashionable for tiles and as a building granite, due to its timeless quality. This granite is very aptly named, Morning Rose Granite and it’s quarried in large quantities in small, medium and large blocks for the monuments, mausoleums and columbariums we manufacture, as well as wholesaled to clients in the Americas. 

Absorption by Weight 0.18%
Bulk Specific Gravity 2.601
Compression Strength 162.4 MPa / 23,900 psi
Modulus of Rupture 16.15 MPa / 1,545 psi


Canadian Mahogany™

Known for its beautiful earth tones, this medium-grained rich brown granite is a much sought after mahogany choice. Canadian Mahogany saws very easily with diamonds, and is popular for monuments, tiles, and buildings. Nelson Granite quarries this granite in large quantities in small, medium, and large blocks.

Absorption by Weight 0.16%
Bulk Specific Gravity 2.656
Compression Strength 102.4 MPa / 14,850 psi
Modulus of Rupture 11.30 MPa / 1,655 psi


Crystal Gold™

Crystal Gold is a superb, large-grained granite with a definite gold color that looks great on interior design projects as well as on larger projects such as buildings. It takes an exceptional flamed finish and is gorgeous on buildings, tiles, tables, and counter tops.

Absorption by Weight 0.32%
Bulk Specific Gravity 2.68
Compression Strength 171.0 MPa / 24,746 psi
Modulus of Rupture 11.73 MPa / 1,701 psi


Pine Green™

Pine Green is a large-grained granite that is a light pastel color which appears substantially darker when used indoors for counter tops, tables, or tiles. Pine Green also looks extraordinarily good on large buildings and has an impressive flamed finish. Deposits are huge and have few faults. As a result, large blocks are available in large quantities, making this granite a perfect option for urban design, landscaping architecture and civil engineering.

Absorption by Weight 0.18%
Bulk Specific Gravity 2.67
Compression Strength 135 MPa / 19,000 psi
Modulus of Rupture 11.21 MPa / 1,625 psi



This large-grained granite is medium to light brown in color with a black matrix. A classic choice, Shepody makes an excellent building, tile or counter top granite; and it looks exceptional in a flamed finish. Competitive pricing makes this granite an ideal pick for urban design, landscape products and interior design projects. For medium and large-scale projects, Shepody granite can be quarried in large blocks at very reasonable prices.

Absorption by Weight 0.32%
Bulk Specific Gravity 2.68
Compression Strength 171 MPa / 24,746 psi
Modulus of Rupture 11.73 MPa / 1,701 psi


Arctic Grey™ / Winter Birch™

Medium grained, windswept light-coloured grey/white granite. A very unique granite exclusively quarried by Nelson Granite. Available in large blocks.

Absorption by Weight 0.21%
Bulk Specific Gravity 2.63
Compression Strength 121 MPa / 17,556 psi
Modulus of Rupture 12.81 MPa / 1,857 psi


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