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Above-Ground Interment

When a loved one passes away, it can be difficult and emotional for their family to choose a final resting place. Ensure your cemetery or funeral home offers a wide variety of options, including above-ground interment. Above-ground interment options, like columbariums and mausoleums, are growing in popularity as an alternative to traditional, in-ground burial.

What is above-ground interment?

Above-ground interment is a term used to describe final resting places that are above the ground. They differ from traditional burials that involve laying a person to rest in a grave dug into the earth. Most types of cemeteries, including private, public, church, and municipal cemeteries have above-ground interment options.

What types of above-ground interment are there?

The two main types of above-ground interment are mausoleums and columbariums. A mausoleum is a permanent, free-standing structure designed to contain a full casket. Mausoleums range in size, style, and appearance to accommodate single caskets or multiple caskets.

A columbarium is a permanent structure with recessed niches to respectfully store cremation urns. They range in size, style, and appearance and have been around for thousands of years. A single columbarium can have anywhere from 12 to 84 niches to hold urns.

What are the advantages of above-ground interment?

Above-ground interment offers many advantages

  • permanent resting place is maintained and looked after by the cemetery, giving loved ones peace of mind
  • able to inter at any time of year, no need to wait until the ground thaws after winter
  • efficiently use vertical space where space is limited if choosing a columbarium and certain styles of mausoleums
  • elegant and timeless designs are a testament to a life well-lived
  • adds visual interest to cemetery landscaping
  • often cost-effective given growing demand

What should I consider when choosing above-ground interment?

When considering adding above-ground interment options to a cemetery, it’s important to evaluate which materials, style, and colours will best suit the situation.

We are proud to offer 100% granite mausoleums and columbariums designed to stand the test of time. We offer several columbarium styles and mausoleum styles. Our exclusive granite colours are quarried in Northwestern Ontario and manufactured right here in Canada. Read more about Nelson Granite.

What should I know before making a purchase?

Before you decide where to purchase a columbarium from, we recommend you ask four important questions. You can read our article “4 Key Questions to Ask Before You Purchase a Columbarium" to get an idea of the important factors to consider.

Who should I contact if I have questions?

Please visit our contact page to be in touch. We’d be happy to help you!


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