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News & Updates

  • Happy 25 Years Rejean!
    Rejean Delorme celebrated his 25 years at Nelson Granite last fall, six months after his brother Preston.  READ MORE

  • Many Nelson Granite Milestones
    A number of Nelson Granite employees hit the 30- 35- and 40-year milestones at Nelson Granite  READ MORE

  • Happy 25 Years Frank!
    Elberton, GA yard manager Frank Eaves celebrated his 25 years with Nelson Granite this past summer.  READ MORE

  • Happy 25 Years Preston!
    Preston Delorme (plant) celebrated his 25 years at Nelson Granite in April with the signature 25 year Nelson Granite class ring.  READ MORE

  • How cost plays a role in cremation decisions
    If plots are just a few hundred dollars and a niche is a few thousand dollars, is cremation really the less expensive option?  READ MORE

  • Steady Trends in North American Cremation Rates*
    The 2020 numbers are in and cremation is the new "traditional" burial  READ MORE

  • Important Notice: Cremation is not a fad
    There is a growing concern in the monument industry and cemetery groups that cremation will be the downfall of the death-care industry...  READ MORE

  • Scrap the RFP Process
    It is doing your community more harm than good  READ MORE

  • Municipal Cemeteries
    Making the right decision in the wake of cremation  READ MORE

  • Columbariums 101
    An Essential Service for Cemeteries  READ MORE

  • Columbarium Niches 101
    The dramatic increase in cremation rates in North America, and the desire to find a special place for laying loved ones to rest has seen an increase in demand for ...  READ MORE

  • Why Choose Nelson Granite?
    Nelson Granite is the largest quarrier and manufacturer of memorial products in Canada and one of the largest in North America. All of the granite we use is quarried by us in Northwestern Ontario. We are ...   READ MORE

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